A new school year,a new group,new projects and ideas.Let´s goooooo!!!
We have started doing our names in an "allien" way.They are all different and special!Not all have finished,so I can´t show you the result today!
This idea is from the blog of Anna Esteban:
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
Our allien names
Let´s think about this movement.To search information you can try these links:
Last Thursday we have been practising inside the classroom the puntillism technique.We discovered lots of painters and pictures.
This morning the weather was so sunny and warm,so we got all our material and we went to the school garden to draw in this way.And this was what happened.....
The first pictures were made the first session,copying from different authors.The second part was made outside.
Yesterday morning(Thursday,November 19th) pupils from 5th and 6th year went to the port,just to try drawing what we saw,perceived or interpretated about this wonderful place in our village.The aim is drawing in a real contest,being in contact with the nature,learning for each others and our participation in the 3rd Children Painting Competition once again this year.
Drawing at Puerto de Celeiro
Drawing at Puerto de Celeiro 2
Christmas cards
This is the result of our cards made with recycled shopping bags and acrylic painting.Nice works!
Christmas cards
During the last days we have been very busy in different art works related to celebrations at school.
We haven´t got the pictures(Peace Day and Carnival)
At the same time we were planning,designing and painting houses,garages,clocks,towers,...with recycling material to build a small village in winter.You can see a bit of the project here,Well....,we had some or lots of problems with the roof!!!!
A snowy village
The painter Guerreiro was at our school.He was working with all levels.He taught us how to draw a fruit,thinking about shapes and the light and shadow.After that we could do it ,and not bad!Thank you very much for your time Xoán!
Art session with Guerreiro
Next Thursday April 23rd we are going to visit his studio.Then on May 8th he will come to our school,just to show us some techniques of drawing .
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Xoán Guerreiro in front of a colonial house(oil on canvas) |
We were creating robots.It was a cooperative team work.Five groups and five different robots.They investigated,designed,had problems and more problems...At last this was all the way. Robots 1 Robots 2 Hello again,after so many days without writing here!We have been very busy with:
Our puzzles
We haven´t got the photos at this moment.
Project 4:ROBOTS
And now we are going to start a coooperative project.It´s about robots.
Here you´ve got some links.
Days 10 and 11:Children´s Painting Competition.
It was a call from Ports of Galicia.We tried to paint our wonderful port.That day the weather was rainy!So we painted at school with watercolour paintings.We haven,t got the photos at this moment.We have got the first prize!!!José Manuel Guirado Fernández was the winner!!!Congratulations!:)
Days 11 and 12:How to make Christmas cards with recycling Paper.
We don´t explain,just watch the pictures.
Christmas Cards
Days 7,8 and 9:Pumpkin facts.
Firstable they have searched on the internet information related to them.It was a team work.The aim was learning about this vegetable and make a board drawing,writing,designing,...Working in group,sharing information,taking decissions was not easy.With this project we are collaborating in a school book about autumn fruit.
Autumn collage:pumpkins
Day 6:How to make a bookmark stamping with a potato.
They carved their potatoes at home with a pumpkin face on it,(it was a bit dangerous at school).We used acrylic painting to stamp.They wrote halloween poems(from a list we made),related to pumpkins and reading books.It´s to celebrate School Library Day.
Bookmarks on PhotoPeach
This is the result of our manga cartoon characters.
How to draw a manga cartoon character on PhotoPeach
Day 5:October 10th.Drawing manga cartoon characters,after learning about heroes and villains in our English Language class.We were a bit angry at the begining of the session because it seemed too difficult,but after understanding the instructions and seeing the result in the last step(the hair),all changed!
Days 3 and 4:September 26th and October 3rd.Firstable we had a brain storming trying to explain what is colour for each one.Then we tried to find and search information about the definition of colour using the internet.In groups and individually,they wrote the result of all .Later they played with water colours,mixing them with paint brushes or their own fingers.On the following session they played with the chromatic scale using only the primary colours.
What´s colour? on PhotoPeach
Day 2:September 19th.We started speaking about lines.What is a line?They founded lot of them all around the classroom.Then we focused on our own signatures.The first artistic line we do without lot of concentration.
What,s a line? on PhotoPeach
DAY 1:September 12th Our first contact.We stayed at 6th classroom.There we thought about: What means Art for me?Just one word to define it.After choosing the word ,we designed a card with it.These were the ideas of our brainstorming: drawing,building,sculpting,gluing,ilustrating,planning,creating,painting,exploring,.... Now we are preparing a wall poster with all of them.Keep in contact and you will see the result
Day 1:What,s art for me on PhotoPeach
This school year we begin a new project in English.It's a "Sección Bilingüe"It means we are going to have another subject using English Language,and it will be Artistic Education in 6th level of primary education.
"Every journey begins with a simple thought"
Here are some useful links to start connecting,observing ,investigating , ...
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