
12 May 2012


Try to do resolve this quiz.

Olympics Find It! QuizName_____________________________
Use the Little Explorers picture dictionary to answer the following questions.
1. This word starts with a "G." It is the name of the country where the Olympic Games began in ancient times. What is it? _______________________
2. This word starts with an "A." It is the name of someone who excels at a sport. What is this word? _______________________
3. This word starts with a "T." It is an object that carries a flame. What is it? _______________________
4. This word starts with an "S." It is a large building in which many sports events are held. What is it called? _______________________
5. This word starts with an "S." It is a hot season of the year in which some Olympic Games are held. What is it? _______________________
6. This word starts with a "W." It is a cold season of the year in which some Olympic Games are held. What is it? _______________________
7. This word starts with an "F." It is the number of rings in the Olympics flag. What is it? _______________________
8. This word starts with an "M." It is an award given to the top three people in each event in the Olympics. What is one of these called? ________________
9. This word starts with a "G." It is a precious metal. The top athlete in each event receives an object coated with this metal. What is this metal? _______________
10. This word starts with an "S." It is a valuable metal. The second-best athlete in each event receives an object coated with this metal. What is this metal? _______________
11. This word starts with a "B." It is a metal alloy (a mixture of other metals). The third-best athlete in each event receives an object coated with this metal. What is this metal? _______________
12. This word starts with a "B." It is a team sport that involves a big orange ball and a hoop. It is included in the summer Olympics. What is it called? ___________
13. This word starts with a "B." It is a team sport that involves a small white ball and a bat. It is included in the summer Olympics. What is it called? _______________________
14. This word starts with a "I." In the Winter Olympic games, you'll see figure skaters and hockey skaters wearing these on their feet. What are they? _______________________
15. This word starts with an "I." It is the name of the country that hosted the 2006 Winter Olympic Games. What is it? _______________________

Back to classroom activities for
Subject: Olympic games, reading, writing, introduction to research on the Internet


Enjoy it!

London Olympic Games

Olympic Games link:

3 May 2012

Havelock Junior School web page Are you ready to visit through their web page this school? It is our twin in the UK.

2 May 2012

Schools on line

We are trying to share two projects with a school from the United Kingdom.Through the British Council and with the Olimpic Games in mind.We´ll work on traditional games (England and Galicia) and we´ll desing a T-shirt for our olimpic sportsmen and sportswomen.
Our twin school is"Havelock Junior School",It´s in Deborough( Northamptonshire)


I want you continue enjoying the carols we learn at our class.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !