Maruja Mallo was born in Viveiro (Lugo) in 1902. Her real name was Ana María Gómez González. In 1922 she moved to Madrid with her family. She studied at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where she met Salvador Dalí, who introduced her to the world of Surrealism and the Generation of '27. She illustrated poems by Rafael Alberti, such as "La pájara pinta". In 1927 she met Ortega y Gasset, and worked as an illustrator for "Revista de Occidente". Her first solo exhibition took place in the halls of said publication, and proved to be very successful. In the 1930s she travelled to Paris, where she met André Breton, amongst others, and her work became immersed in Surrealism. Back in Spain she worked as a teacher. When the Spanish Civil War broke out, she was exiled to Argentina. In 1939 she painted her most important work: "El canto de la espiga". She returned to Spain in the 1960s. She died in Madrid in 1995.
Last 1st of April it was celebrated the Art Day in Galicia.This year it was in her honour .Pupils from 6th level tried to imitate her style.You can see the result.
WELCOME TO THE ENGLISH BLOG OF "CEIP DE CELEIRO" CELEIRO -VIVEIRO (LUGO)SPAIN We are pre-primary and primary pupils learning another language.We can speak Galician and Spanish Language We live by the Cantabric Sea.Our classroom is up in the school attic.Just like the lighthouses to our brave sailors.
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27 Apr 2017
25 Apr 2017
24 Apr 2017
Yesterday it was the World Book and Copyright Day.To celebrate it we want to share with you this video, where pupils from 6th level primary education make a review talking about their favourite ones.They are developing an interest in literature and cinema.They become exposed to their classmates,to other books or films.Maybe they can enjoy some of them.
3 Apr 2017
This is our first year having a Language Assistant.He is with us at school for six hours a week.This group(3rd level),is with him for 20 minutes a week.In their timetableit is Reading Time.The Gingerbread Man was read at this period.Our school library has a programme called:Reader Sponsor.That´s why they performed it in front of an audience:all children at school in two different groups!!!
Congratulations to Saul and all kids!!!
Congratulations to Saul and all kids!!!
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I want you continue enjoying the carols we learn at our class.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !