WELCOME TO THE ENGLISH BLOG OF "CEIP DE CELEIRO" CELEIRO -VIVEIRO (LUGO)SPAIN We are pre-primary and primary pupils learning another language.We can speak Galician and Spanish Language We live by the Cantabric Sea.Our classroom is up in the school attic.Just like the lighthouses to our brave sailors.
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23 Dec 2016
Here is this Jingle Bells version,performed by the pupils from 6th level.They have learned it with Marta, Eva(the music and PE teachers),and in our English Language sessions,too.They did it really good!
20 Dec 2016
If you click on the link you can find 30 awesome Christmas games to enjoy you and your family along these holidays.Thanks Anna for sharing your ideas!
16 Dec 2016
Mr Bean is a British comedy television programme written and starring by Rowan Atkinson.It is an oportunity of enjoying this season having lots of fun.
1 Dec 2016
.It is one of the best-known and commonly sung winter songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822--1893) in the autumn of 1857. I hope we´ll learn it during these days.
Marta,our music teacher,and Pedro,who was a pupil at this school some years ago,have recorded this version of the traditional Christmas song.We will sing it on the last day of school before Season Holidays.
24 Nov 2016
Saul,our language assistant ,will talk us about this celebration.Here you can watch :"The Story Of Thanksgiving" by KIDS HUT.
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!
27 Oct 2016
Happy Halloween to all! Children will enjoy watching their favorite cartoons Annie, Ben and Mango. Enjoy this Halloween Special episode with Annie, Ben and Mango on their visit to Transylvania at the coolest Halloween Party ever.
16 Oct 2016
We are very happy because we´ve got a language assistant!His name is Saul.He was born in Wilmington(Delaware) in the USA.Then he was living in different states like Oregón or Puerto Rico.He will stay with us at school from now till May.We hope he´ll enjoy our country,people,school,costumes,...as much as we´ll enjoy learning about his own country.Welcome !
26 Sept 2016
But let´s try this:
You can see the longest word !It´s incredible!What is the longest one in Galician Language?And in Spanish?If you have got one,share it,please!
Learning numbers from 1 to 5 .
23 Jun 2016
Happy summer holidays!
And....at last summer is here!Enjoy it at much as possible .Don´t forget to play and swim a lot!If you go to Resurrection Fest for kids,maybe you can practice English!
This was the last activity we did,related to our project:"What can you do to save the sea from pollution"?.The fishing captain from this ship,explained all they do on board to recycle .It was very interesting.At the same time we learned a lot about working ,living fishing on board,technology and machines,...It was a Saturday morning,so only few kids could come.It was a pity.!Thanks so much José Pino for this experience and Vicente ,our R.E. teacher for your help during all the project!.
20 Jun 2016
THE LITTLE HALF CHICKEN, a Spanish folk tale
17 Jun 2016
What did the caterpillar eat?
How was the caterpillar so fat?He was eating a lot for a week!
This is one of the activities we were doing based on the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
9 Jun 2016
Luisa and Marta have been at school with us this morning .They were nice sharing their time to show all kids from 5th and 6th level how to do bags and bracelets using supermarket plastic bags and magazine papers.You can follow them at :www.facebook.com/artesanialumagalicia.
This is part of the project:"What can we do to save the sea from pollution?"
At the end of this art in English session,we gave them a present.A robot made with recycled materials by "Factoria de Androides Sátrapa":.www.satrapa.es
Thanks a lot!We have learned a lot!.Now we are going to try doing it alone.
This is part of the project:"What can we do to save the sea from pollution?"
At the end of this art in English session,we gave them a present.A robot made with recycled materials by "Factoria de Androides Sátrapa":.www.satrapa.es
Thanks a lot!We have learned a lot!.Now we are going to try doing it alone.
6 Jun 2016
This morning we have been picking up rubbish at the beach of the little village where we live.That was an activity to celebrate such a special event:Environment Day and as an activity of the project:What can we do to save the sea from pollution?All children were collecting litter,sorting and classifying it.At the end they made an sculpture with some of the objects.It was amazing,because the water could move one of the elements!We finished separating the rubbish in different containeers.
24 May 2016
Manuel María was a poet and an academic in Galician Language .Last Tuesday May 17th we have celebrated Galician Language Day in honor of him.Here at school and in our Art in English class,we have chosen a black and white photo of him and then we have tried to do something different with it,using materials like coloured chalks,markers,oil pastels,...At this performance we have used a poem he wrote in 1990, titled "Soneto ao pintor Xohán Guerreiro".This painter visited us last year at school.Each one had to read it and decide the drawing he or she wanted to stick on .This is the final product!!!!
Manuel María
Manuel María
18 May 2016
Izan´s monologue
This is the last video of our project about technology.Izan wrote this monologue about different technological characters and he told it to the rest of the class last week.Good work!
13 May 2016
Learning about animals and how do they live in a farm,kids from 2nd level have done a picture and they try to explain us some characteristics of them.Well done!
12 May 2016
What are we wearing?How do we feel?Let´s have a look to these drawings of 1st level pupils and listen to them speaking about themselves.
11 May 2016
What are the differences between a telephone from 1960s, a mobile phone from 1998s or a smartphone?Did cameras changed a lot during the last decades?What about computers?What is a cassette recorder?Did our grannies listen to music ?How?
9 May 2016
The sewage treatment process
5 May 2016
This is the zoo ,kids from 3rd level have drawn.They show us it and speak about where are the animals and which is his or her favourite one.
29 Apr 2016
Last Friday we were visiting a merchant ship.It is an Spanish merchant.We could learn a lot about living and working inside.The name of this ship is Cape Cee and his captain´s name is José Luis.We are very surprised after this ship tour!!All of us wanted to know how do they recycle,what happens with the water they use on board,where does the rubbish go,...lots of questions.And they answered all of them.We could see they are absolutely friendly with the environment.Do we do the same at home or school?
This visit is part of our project:What can we do to keep our sea clean?Thank you very much to Vicente,Paco ,Andrés , José Luis and all the crew in Cape Cee.It wouldn´t be possible without you. CAPE CEE part 1 CAPE CEE part 2 CAPE CEE part 3
This visit is part of our project:What can we do to keep our sea clean?Thank you very much to Vicente,Paco ,Andrés , José Luis and all the crew in Cape Cee.It wouldn´t be possible without you. CAPE CEE part 1 CAPE CEE part 2 CAPE CEE part 3
27 Apr 2016
We are working on a project about water pollution.We´ll be discovering,analysing,discussing ,.. all over this term.
This is an experiment to find out if litter and garden waste pollutes water.There are different glass jars with litter inside.One of the glass jar has got oil inside .All the litter was found at school,except the oil.
What materials changed when in water?What didn´t change?
This is an experiment to find out if litter and garden waste pollutes water.There are different glass jars with litter inside.One of the glass jar has got oil inside .All the litter was found at school,except the oil.
What materials changed when in water?What didn´t change?
22 Apr 2016
World Book Day
Tomorrow is a very special day!!!Readers from all over the world are going to celebrate such a wonderful date.From our English class we invite you to read at least once a day(some minutes is enough).You´ll discover so many interesting things,amazing characters,lovely landscapes, crazy robots,misterious planets,...and....Let´s read and read!Here you´ve got some examples of our last project,where we spoke about it!
For more activities click on the link:
World Book Day
For more activities click on the link:
World Book Day
21 Apr 2016
Shakespeare´s house and school
William Shakespeare was born in Stradford-upon -Avon (England).He was a poet and a playwright.When he was a child like you,he went to this school:King´s New School.You can see it,as well as the house where he was born on 26th April 1564.
If you want more information click on the link below.
If you want more information click on the link below.
8 Apr 2016
These are different fact files written and designed by 5th level pupils.If you want to watch the video,you´ll see they speak about famous and not so famous people:from birth to adult lives.
7 Apr 2016
Where do they work?What are their daily routines?Have a time to watch what this group did about jobs and their families.It´s interesting!
2 Apr 2016
A film or book review
We want to share with you our last project.We speak here about a film or a book.They are our favourite ones.Maybe the same than you,or not?Let´s have a look!
1 Apr 2016
Just some photos of the last little project by 1st level.They have been learning vocabulary related to this topic,so why not?They have drawn some relatives or taken a photo of them ,trying to tell what they can do.I like it.!
31 Mar 2016
Describing people
Cool and wonderful!They are at 2nd level.Not all of them are here today,because after one week Easter Holidays,they forgot to bring their project to school!
My favourite book
A new project made by 3rd level primary kids .They have written and designed all these works. And then they have spoken about their favourite books and characters,trying to describe a little bit of each one!!!!
18 Mar 2016
Happy Easter
The little kids want to say you Happy Easter!They have done these wonderful Easter Bunny ears and coloured some Easter eggs to play with them in the garden.They have learned how to sing a bunny song,too.
Enjoy holidays!!!!.
Enjoy holidays!!!!.
16 Mar 2016
Easter games
Only four days to welcome spring and three days till Easter Holidays!!!Do you fancy playing ?Outdoors is much better but if yo want to do it online,here are different options.Click on the link below the picture.
26 Feb 2016
A family event and a family tree
This.is how families celebrate an special event.These pupils tell us what was happening and what they were doing that date.Some of them decided to speak about their family tree.Enjoy it!
25 Feb 2016
My town or village in the past or today
5th level pupils speak about Celeiro or Viveiro in the past or today.
24 Feb 2016
My classroom
23 Feb 2016
My favourite transport
These are our favourite transports. We speak about the different colours we have designed for all of them.Nice kids!
22 Feb 2016
After school
Here is a new video!They are speaking about after school activities and friends,What they are doing ,their abilities,...Nice work!
18 Feb 2016
School Watchers!
We are a team.A fantastic school team with an idea about keeping as clean as possible our school.That´s why we have made this team work.Well,we are going to do it the rest of this school year.We hope it will work!!!!
Keep the school clean watchers
Keep the school clean watchers
11 Feb 2016
Giving directions
We are polite and helpful.When someone asks someone for a place,we can answer being nice!!!
4 Feb 2016
Community Values
Keeping our school clean is one of our best wishes.That´s the reason of this idea.We have decided to create a group of watchers to help,motivate and keep the rest of pupils at our school involved with the idea that school is for everyone.All the different places,rooms and playground are important.
Then they have designed a logo ,we have made copies .After that they promised to do it as best as possible.They have hang on the walls posters related to it.Here we are....!!!!!
Keep the school clean watchers
Then they have designed a logo ,we have made copies .After that they promised to do it as best as possible.They have hang on the walls posters related to it.Here we are....!!!!!
Keep the school clean watchers
15 Jan 2016
My costume
At the end of 1st term ,3rd level were working about this topic:clothes.That´s the reason of this project about their favourite costume.Each one had a different idea..They all are amazing!
14 Jan 2016
Life in the....
Two groups,two different ideas, to search some information, to try to write it and now they show us the result.It was made at the end of first term,lots of work,and season activities at that month!.Next time we hope to relax a bit more.
13 Jan 2016
Rainy and windy weather !That´s winter here in Galicia.A new video today from pupils speaking about sports they do and they like.They are in 4th level primary education.
9 Jan 2016
Let´s visit...
The group of pupils from 5th level try to explain where they want to go,what can they visit there,their favourite places in that town or village and the transports they can go by.They have decided where to go. This is the result!
8 Jan 2016
My favourite animal
It´s the turn of 1st level. They draw their favourite animals and they tried to write just some words to speak about the pictures.They can do it !
My favourite animal
7 Jan 2016
What can my friends do at school?
Hello again after this season holidays!I hope you are allright and with new ideas and illusion for this 2016!
Before Christmas we were working a lot.Now we want to show you the new videos .Pupils from 2nd primary level speak about what a friend or partner can do in different rooms at school.
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I want you continue enjoying the carols we learn at our class.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !