WELCOME TO THE ENGLISH BLOG OF "CEIP DE CELEIRO" CELEIRO -VIVEIRO (LUGO)SPAIN We are pre-primary and primary pupils learning another language.We can speak Galician and Spanish Language We live by the Cantabric Sea.Our classroom is up in the school attic.Just like the lighthouses to our brave sailors.
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25 Mar 2015
When I grow up....
What do they want to be when they grow up?How do they imagine their lives?.Watch and listen.Don´t worry about the mistakes!They have tried it !
18 Mar 2015
My favourite book by 3rd level
17 Mar 2015
Happy Saint Patrick´s Day!
Happy S.Patrick´s Day!If you want to celebrate it with a parade in your own classroom this music is perfect!We are dancing and marching,the kids love to participate.As we have got lots of grass,trees and bushes around school,we went outside to pick up real green shamrocks.Now they got an authentical card to celebrate such a special date!
14 Mar 2015
The ants go marching one by one
The lesson plan for pre-primary kids is the Grasshopper and the Ant story.And we will sing this song to act and play .
6 Mar 2015
Winners of the Republic of Ireland quizz
After being working on a project about this country,here are the winners of this quizz:Cristina,Roi,Janet,Alex and Gift.Congratulations!The next country of our project about where do people speak English around the world is:Australia.So please be active and it´s possible that your name be here.Thanks for your participation,work and ,co-operation.
A quizz
A quizz
5 Mar 2015
My Job(part 2 )
Here are the next pupils.As you see they are a bit nervous,but they are very brave.I was recording and they could´t repeat it.Don´t worry about the pronuntiation!Next time it will be better!Good work!
2 Mar 2015
My Job
This is our project about what we want to be when we be older.We have decided a job.Then we have investigated about it.And finally we have written about it.Today we are dressing up with these clothes and accesories to speak about all,including a day in our lives and what we did last weekend.Next days you will see the second part(we didn´t record all children)
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I want you continue enjoying the carols we learn at our class.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !