
30 Sept 2013

Ymca camp September 30th

 More photos.We haven´t got time enough to decide or write,but you can have an idea of what is like. Ymca camp september 30th on PhotoPeach

Ymca camp September 29th

Hello!Here we are.Nice place,wonderful teachers and bad weather.You can follow us here and at this

Ymca camp September29th on PhotoPeach

26 Sept 2013

Ymca Camp

Next Sunday we are going to travel to this beautiful village in Cuenca.We´ll be there  for a week improving our English.Be in contact with this blog,because we want to film or take photos to different workshops,games,...The project is called :"Be part of the solution" ,and is about the environment.

10 Sept 2013


Hello!We are going to start a new school year.I haven´t seen you since June,that´s why I am wishing to welcome you again.Are you ready?A bit lazy and nervous?Don´t worry!Lot´s of amazing surprises are waiting for you.Have  nice dreams and see you tomorrow!


I want you continue enjoying the carols we learn at our class.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !