
26 Apr 2013

A play by 1st level

We were learning about animals and to celebrate the "World Book Day", we acted:"Is this your feather?" .The show is unfinished(problems with the camera.We sorry about it but we had lots of fun and we practised English.

23 Apr 2013


We have celebrated this day with lot of activities.You can see some photos of the event.And ....Keep reading!

12 Apr 2013

The United Kingdom

What´s the difference between the United Kingdom,Britain,England,...?Let´s try to learn  about this. Click on the link down.

7 Apr 2013

Our designs


You have worked really hard.The pictures are wonderful.Now you have to pay attention ,one of them or  ???   more will be the photo head of this blog.Thanks to every one for the participation!


I want you continue enjoying the carols we learn at our class.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2011 !